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Moldova's Delegation to Joint Control Commission denounces new intentions of destabilization of situation in Security Zone

17:34 | 17.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 17 May /MOLDPRES/ - Russia’s component in the Joint Peacekeeping Forces has informed that, during 17 May – 17 June 2024, it intended to make manoeuvres of verification, through movement, of the capacities of the armoured vehicles which stand at the peacekeeping posts of the Security Zone. The announcement was made two hours following the meeting of the Joint Control Commission, during which the concerned subject was not tackled.       

A notification in this respect was received by the Joint Military Command on 16 May this year.  

„Moldova’s Delegation condemns such inopportune ‘’initiatives,’’ in the context of the regional security situation, as well as abusive, taking into account that they did not get the approval of the Joint Control Commission (JCC). The demonstrative and repeated resorting to such non-coordinated actions is an extra proof of brutal infringement of the principles of the peacekeeping mission at Dniester,’’ said Moldova’s Delegation to JCC.    

Also, Moldova’s Delegation warns about ‘’possible undesirable consequences of these provocative actions and calls on all components of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces to give up their enforcement, in order to avoid the destabilization of the situation in the Security Zone.’’   



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