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Joe Biden announces giving up running for office of United States' president

09:15 | 22.07.2024 Category: International

Washington, 22 July /MOLDPRES/ - U.S. President Joe Biden has informed that he was giving up running for the office of president in 2024. This is a shocking announcement, which came less than by four months before the elections and weeks after his physical and psychic state had been questioned, AFP and Reuters informed, taken over by AGERPRES and MOLDPRES.  

"I think that it is in my interest and the one of my country to withdraw and to focus exclusively on the exercising of the duties of president till the end of my mandate,’’ the 81-year-old Democrat president of the USA said in a press release, noting that he would address the nation in the evening.    

On 20 July evening, Joe Biden was intending to stay in the electoral race in 2024, while on 21 July afternoon, Biden informed the chief of his campaign that he was withdrawing, a source familiar to the issue said.   

"Last evening, the message was to fully continue, with all speed forward,’’ the quoted source told the Reuters. ‘’At about 13:45 today, the president said to the chief of his team that he had changed his mind,’’ the cited source said, denying to be named.     




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