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Prime Minister: For first time Moldova wins four medals at Olympic Games - best performance in history of country's participation in Summer Olympics

17:27 | 12.08.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, Aug. 12 /MOLDPRES/- 26 champions who represented the Republic of Moldova at the Olympic Games in Paris have managed to unite an entire country. For the first time Moldova won four medals - the best performance in the history of our country's participation in the Olympic Games. Prime Minister Dorin Recean made the statements today. He sent a message of gratitude to our athletes who participated in the Summer Olympics.

Moldova won four medals, one silver and three bronze, for the first time since it competed at the Olympics with a separate delegation, twice as many as in 1996 and 2000. The Republic of Moldova ranked 72nd out of 206 countries taking part in the Paris Olympics, ahead of Slovakia, Albania, Peru and Qatar.

Silver medallist Anastasia Nichita became the first Moldovan athlete to win an Olympic medal in women's wrestling. Anastasia Nichita's silver medal is also the first for our country after a 24-year break. For the first time on the podium, the judoka team also took two bronze medals, with Denis Vieru and Adil Osmanov. For the second Olympic Games in a row, Sergei Tarnovschi was third on the podium.

Moldova was represented at the Summer Olympics by 26 athletes in ten events.






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