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Moldovan agriculture minister stressed need to quickly enforce special law on support of farmers hit by drought, to stop foreclosures

15:47 | 20.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 20 September /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea has stressed the importance of the quick enforcement of the special law on backing the farmers hit by the last summer severe drought, in order to stop the foreclosures against the farmers who bore losses. The subject was analyzed at a today’s meeting of the Economic Council under the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry (MAIA).  

The participants in the meeting discussed the current challenges in the farming sector, with emphasis on the implementation and impact of the special law on the support of the farmers hit by the severe drought from the summer of the 2024 year. At the meeting, the minister proposed ‘’to attentively monitory the enforcement of this law.’’  

Vladimir Bolea stressed that now ‘’it is essential that all sides involved sit down at the table of discussions, in order to find viable solutions, which are to allow continuing the agricultural activity.’’     

According to MAIA, both the ministers and the producers present at the meeting came up with ‘’proposals meant to support the farmers in the current difficult context.’’ ‘’Among the solutions discussed, there were the need to develop an efficient system of insurance against the production risks, the extension and modernization of the irrigation infrastructure and the creation of a mutual fund for the backing of farmers in crisis situations,’’ the minister said.  

Besides, Deputy PM Vladimir Bolea informed the participants about the discussions recently held with European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski on the creation of a Fund of development and solidarity for agriculture, which might provide additional support to the farmers from Moldova. In the context, officials letters were prepared for those 27 agriculture ministers from the European Union member states.    

The parliament last week approved the draft of the special law meant for backing the farmers hit by the severe drought from this year. Under this law, the farmers will benefit from the prolongation or renegotiation of the payment obligations for the debts accumulated, including the capital ratios, interests and penalties.






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