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Moldovan farmers can access up to 800 thousand lei in advance grants for soil tillage projects

14:20 | 02.10.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Oct. 2 /MOLDPRES/- Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA) has announced the launch of the call for applications for advance subsidy for investment projects related to land improvement, soil improvement and protection works. Farmers can submit applications to the Agency of Intervention and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA) by 30 October to ensure the sustainable management of soil resources.

According to MAIA, the subsidies represent 80% of the eligible project value and will not exceed 800 thousand lei (40 thousand euros). They will be granted for activities related to preventing and combating soil erosion, chemical improvement of soils, soil conservation and increasing soil fertility of agricultural land.

The payments will be made in two installments: the first installment - 70% of the amount of the subsidy, which will be paid on the condition of presentation of proof of co-financing by the beneficiary of at least 20% of the value of the investment project; the second installment - 30% of the amount of the subsidy, will be paid on the basis of the disbursement request, upon the commissioning of the investment object and the presentation of the confirming documents.

The package of required documents to be submitted can be accessed on the AIPA website.




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