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Moldovan parliament speaker meets Deputy Speaker of European Parliament

14:43 | 11.10.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 11 October /MOLDPRES/ - The perspectives of the boosting of the cooperation between the European Parliament and the Moldovan parliament today were discussed at a meeting between Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu and Deputy Parliament Speaker of the European Parliament Victor Negrescu and Head of the European Union’s Delegation to Moldova, His Excellency Jānis Mažeiks, the parliament’s communication and public relations department has reported.      

The officials tackled aspects on the strengthening of the relations between the two legislative bodies. The sides stressed the need to maintain the dialogue, in the context of Moldova’s accession to EU, as well as the carrying out of the exchange of experience between the MPs and civil servants of the two institutions.  

Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu expressed gratitude for the support provided to Moldova till present and emphasized the importance of the institutionalization of the relations between the two parliaments. ‘’Thank you for the support provided to Moldova, given that we face a not quite simple situation! It is important that we update the relations, have contact points and create our office at the European Parliament,’’ the parliament speaker said.  

The discussions also regarded the importance of combating the fakes and manipulations in the electoral process, as well as the measures undertaken by the authorities to this end.

„The European Parliament supports the European integration way of Moldova,’’ MEP Victor Negrescu said. In context, the EU official referred to the Resolution recently adopted by the European Parliament, which reiterates the unconditional support for Moldova’s European integration way and the combating of the security risks.     


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