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Over 3,500 hectares of lands afforested in planting campaign in Moldova in 2024

19:33 | 02.12.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 2 December /MOLDPRES/ - As many as 3,500 hectares of forests have been planted in Moldova so far and till the end of this year, we will manage to achieve the goal set to cultivate, 4,000 hectares of forests, according to Environment Minister Sergiu Lazarencu. The minister today had a meeting with the directors of the forestry enterprises from all over Moldova, in order to assess the progress of the National Afforestation Campaign from this autumn.      

‘’We discussed proposals on improving the planting process, relying on the experience from the last years. In this way, we will ensure a more efficient implementation of the National Programme on Extension of Forests. At the same time, we established the next goals for the future stages,’’ Lazarencu said.  

The minister noted that he was grateful to the teams on the ground for the effort made. ‘’This is a difficult work, but along with all those involved, we will manage to extend the country’s forests and to edify a greener Moldova. I will closely monitor each phase of the project and will back the forestry enterprises in providing the resources necessary to achieve the goals set,’’ Environment Minister Sergiu Lazarencu also said.     

Presently, the afforested area represents 11 per cent of Moldova’s territory, while the level of afforestation in EU is of 37.7 per cent.    





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