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Citizens to be able to consult medical data via EVO app

12:08 | 03.12.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Dec. 3 /MOLDPRES/- Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization (MDED) announces a new option in EVO application, which will include medical data.

"After access to personal documents and quick payments for various services, we are now integrating medical data - all in one handy place in Health module. There you will find information about your health insurance; medical data about you and your children; details about your family doctor and medical institution, and soon, electronic prescriptions," explains MDED.

Directly in EVO it will also be possible to pay for health insurance, without queues and wasted time.

EVO application was launched in the Republic of Moldova this summer. It provides access to digital documents, information about citizens and businesses, the possibility to make payments for various services. To access all EVO functionalities, citizens need an electronic signature.






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