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Taxpayers to be able to activate real time notifications on messages from tax authorities

14:48 | 09.12.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Dec. 9 /MOLDPRES/- The State Tax Service (SFS) informs taxpayers that the messaging system of SIA Taxpayer's Personal Cabinet is integrated with the governmental electronic notification service Mnotify.

In order to receive notifications from the SFS, taxpayers have to go through the following steps: access MNotify website; log in with an electronic/mobile signature; set the preferred channels for notifications; activate notifications in the Personal Cabinet on

For sending notifications, MNotify uses the following notification channels: email; push notifications; instant messaging (Viber, Telegram).

MNotify is the governmental electronic notification service that allows service providers, public authorities and institutions to send notifications to users in order to notify them about events occurring in connection with the provision of services or other events relevant to the recipients.


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