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Collections of income tax from leasing of real estate assets grow by about 30 per cent in Moldova

16:24 | 10.12.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 10 December /MOLDPRES/ - The State Fiscal Service (SFS) informs that the collections of income tax from private people who lease real estate assets increased by 29.7 per cent in the first 11  months of the 2024 year and amount to 67.4 million lei, comparatively with the similar period of the 2023 year.      

As many as 2,138 private people who lease real estate assets were identified during January-November 2024, following actions of voluntary conforming and informing.   

Also, controls were made at 272 private people who lease real estate objects; with the following sums being additionally calculated to the budget: basic sums amounting to 522.3 thousand lei, delay increase worth 59.1 thousand lei and fines were imposed of 26.5 thousand lei.  

„Following the actions undertaken in the first 11 months of the 2024 year, 24,049 contracts on lease of real estate assets were registered, which is by 4.5 per cent more against the same period of the 2023 year. Under the Article 901, paragraph 34 of the Fiscal Code, the private people who do not carry out entrepreneurial activity and give in possession/or for use real estate, pay an income tax worth 7 per cent of the contract’s monthly value,’’ SFS said.      


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