Moldova's Supreme Council of Magistracy admits applications on resignation, submitted by 15 judges of Balti- Cahul, Comrat Courts of Appeal
19:27 | 10.12.2024 Category: Social
Chisinau, 10 December /MOLDPRES/ - The members of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), at a today’s meeting, partially admitted the applications on resignation by 15 judges of the Balti, Cahul and Comrat Courts of Appeal, before the external evaluation.
Today, CSM partially admitted the applications on resignation, rejecting them in the part in which they were demanding rectifications to the budget of courts, - requests described by CSM as beyond its competences.
Those 15 magistrates submitted applications on resignation, after, on 7 November 2024, the Vetting Commission had notified the judges of the Balti, Cahul and Comrat Courts of Appeal about the starting of the evaluation of the financial and ethic integrity.
According to CSM, as a result of the resignations admitted today, eight judges from the Balti Court of Appeal stay in office, and by three judges - at the Cahul Court of Appeal and Comrat Court of Appeal; this means that the creation of panels of judges is possible for files’ examination.
According to the quoted source, to ensure the functionality of the judicial system, CSM informed about a new contest for the replacement, by temporary transfer, of 12 positions of judge at the Balti Court of Appeal, four at the Cahul Court of Appeal and three of the Comrat Court of Appeal.