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Eugeniu Buzatu new acting director general of Moldova's Energocom stock company

18:30 | 11.12.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 11 December /MOLDPRES/ - Eugeniu Buzatu, an adviser at the Energocom stock company, will hold the office of acting director general of this enterprise starting from 13 December. The Public Property Agency (APP) has made statements to this effect, referring the decision by the Board of the Energocom stock company.    

„Eugeniu Buzatu has a rich experience in the management of the processes on the energy market, which recommends him for this highly responsible position,’’ a press release by APP reads.   

According to APP, the Board of Energocom stock company ruled to cease the labour contract with the acting director general of the enterprise, Victor Binzari, as of 12 December.  

Last week, Prime Minister Dorin Recean demanded the resignation of Energy Minister Victor Parlicov, the acting director general of the Energocom stock company, Victor Binzari and a member of the Council of Observers of the Moldovagaz stock company, Sergiu Tofilat, for reasons that no procurements of natural gas at reasonable prices had been provided and there was no coordination between these three institutions.    

The Energocom stock company is the main provider which purchases on market electric energy from stations of renewable energy with status of eligible producer and from thermal power stations and re-sells the concerned energy to the providers at the prices regulated by National Energy Regulatory Agency.  

Starting from 1 July 2014, the Energocom stock company has been working on the Moldova’s natural gas market as provider of natural gas. Based on the licence provided, the company concludes direct contracts on delivery of natural gas for the needs of the domestic market.     



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