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Moldovan farmers can get business development grants of up to 1 million dollars

11:54 | 26.12.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Dec. 26 /MOLDPRES/- As of today, Moldovan farmers can submit applications for the third call for grants under the Agriculture Governance, Growth and Resilience Investment project (AGGRI), aimed at farms specialized in raising cattle, sheep and goats for dairy, meat and mixed activities. The maximum amount of a grant can reach up to 1 million dollars and the amount cannot exceed 50% of the eligible investment.

The money can be used for the construction and modernization of livestock farms, equipping them with high-performance technological machinery and equipment, as well as for the development of milk and meat processing infrastructure. Investments in the necessary technological infrastructure, including energy and water supply systems are also eligible.

To be eligible for grants, applicants must meet several conditions, including being individual farmers or groups of producers, registered and active on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, with the exception of the municipalities of Chisinau and Balti; being legal owners of the assets involved in the investment; presenting a viable business plan for a period of five years; demonstrating co-financing of at least 50% of the eligible investment.

Applications can be submitted until April 4, 2025 at the territorial offices of the Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture, corresponding to the region in which the farmer operates.


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