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Nine international agreements signed at Moldova Partnership Platform conference

14:20 | 17.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 17 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- Nine international agreements were signed at Moldova Partnership Platform conference, which is being held today in Chisinau. One of the documents was signed by President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu.

The nine documents aim to finance projects for sustainable development and climate change adaptation.

One of the agreements provides for a financing of 200 million euros from the European Investment Bank.

The head of state signed a financing agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Investment Bank for the implementation of the Afforestation Program project. Maia Sandu was also the person who made afforestation a national priority.

Immediately after the signing of the documents, Maia Sandu, Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mihai Popșoi delivered speeches at the event. The officials spoke in English, but also gave speeches in Romanian.

Today, our country hosts the fifth edition of Moldova Partnership Platform, initiated by Romania, Germany and France. The event is held under the patronage of Prime Minister Dorin Recean and brings together ministers, deputy ministers, state secretaries of partner states, representatives of the diplomatic staff and international organizations.

During the day, discussions will focus on the results and needs identified within the four working groups: Justice, anti-corruption and security; Energy, energy efficiency and environment; Sustainable economic development and strategic infrastructure; Public administration reform and public finance management.

At the end, the foreign ministers of the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Germany and France will hold a press conference.

Launched in 2022, at the initiative of France, Germany and Romania, Moldova Support Platform has proven to be a useful tool for coordinating the efforts and resources of the various parties involved in addressing the significant internal and external challenges faced by the country. The first three editions took place in Berlin (5 April 2022), Bucharest (15 July 2022) and Paris (21 November 2022), after which Moldova organized the fourth edition in Chisinau (17 October 2023).

Last year, after the meeting of the platform, our country benefited from financial support of 148.7 million euros, which included 38.7 million euros in grants and 110 million euros in loans under advantageous conditions and for the development of strategic sectors.


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