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Prosecutor General's Office launched electronic register of international legal assistance

11:53 | 10.12.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Dec. 10 /MOLDPRES/- The Prosecutor General's Office, with the financial support of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) has developed and launched the information system - electronic register of international legal assistance. The new system corresponds to the recommendations of the European Union and the Council of Europe (Moneyval).

According to the Prosecutor General's Office, the new system will digitize and automate registering and monitoring of the flow of requests for international legal assistance, requests for access to information, control of their execution, as well as the generation of statistical reports in a protected digital environment.

The register was created in order to consolidate all data related to extradition procedures, transfer and taking over of prosecution procedures, requests for transfer of sentenced persons and procedures for recognition of foreign court judgments, as well as requests from petitioners for information related to international legal assistance procedures.

The structure of the new register has been created with the possibility of transforming it in the future into a complex information system, which will fully digitalize international legal assistance procedures.


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